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    Altida Crane Hire


    For the projects which would be typically out of reach, ALTIDA have the answer.

    Born out of a lifetime’s passion for aviation, our Air Lift division has the necessary expertise and experience to get to you into all those the hard-to-reach places using rotary aircraft.


    Used the world over, the Robinson R22 is reliable and cost-effective. With the Robinson R22, we can carry out aerial site surveillance and photography, allowing you to see your site like never before.

    Our specialised R22 also comes with the capability to offer an aerial photography service.

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    Benefiting from a semi-rigid twin main rotor and a two-bladed tail rotor, this is a capable and cost-effective helicopter. Perfect for air hoisting, and sling load operations. It can hold up to 3 passengers, thanks to two rows of side-by-side seating.

    Mission Capabilities:

    Load up to 340kg • Sling load operations • Hoisting • Power line inspection • Parachute dropping



    Manufactured in the USA, The AS350 AStar is a powerhouse. It has fantastic manoeuvrability and high performance. It is perfect for those heavier sling load and hoisting missions.

    Mission Capabilities:

    Load up to 1028kg • Sling load operations • Hoisting • Power line inspection • Parachute dropping

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    Air Lifting Services You Can Trust

    We offer precision lifting of heavy objects to and from an exact location with unbelievable speed and accuracy.

    Ideally suited to negate the use of vehicles. When required, specially trained ground crews are deployed with the Helicopter, working closely with the Pilot and customer to ensure both safety and efficiency of the task.

    Contact Altida

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