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    Altida Crane Hire

    Contract Lift Hire

    CPA contract lift hire is simple & straightforward with ALTIDA

    It is important to remember that working with cranes can be very dangerous, especially if there are inexperienced customers involved. This not only involves the process of crane hire but also the responsibilities that come with it. A CPA Contract Lift takes care of all your lifting needs.

    A CPA Contract Lift Hire ensures that the mobile crane, equipment, operator and all personnel of the crane are the responsibility of the crane owner, rather than the customer, meaning you are insured. The crane owner is then responsible for all aspects of the lift including the planning and execution of the job, such as which crane will do the job and where and how to rig it.

    11. Louise Lift scaled min

    What is included with CPA contract lift hire?

    • We take care of everything
    • Insured Lift
    • Site survey carried out by a qualified and competent Appointed Person with expert knowledge
    • Expert advice and recommendations
    • Lift Plan
    • Site ground assessment for rigging
    • Organising with the police any road closures required for awkward crane rigging and lifts on public roads
    • Health and safety standards, operating a safe system of work
    • Risk Assessments and Method Statements
    • Calculate the correct crane for the job, factoring in safety & smallest capacity required for economical costs
    • Calculate boom reach required and crane lift capacity in relation to where the crane can be rigged
    • Mobile crane that has been maintained, serviced, tested and certified working.
    • Qualified and Certified Crane Operator
    • Qualified and Certified Appointed Person
    • Qualified and Certified Lift Supervisor
    • Qualified and Certified Slinger/Signaller
    • Lifting Equipment

    The Crane Owner Is Obliged To Provide Insurance Cover For:

    • The loss of or damage to equipment which is caused solely by the owner’s negligence in the performance of the lifting contract.
    • The loss of or damage to third party property caused solely by the owner’s negligence in the performance of the lifting contract, with a maximum liability of £25,000 in regards to goods lifted
    • Maximum liability of £5,000,000 in respect of loss or damage to first-party or death/injury to third party persons.

    Contract Lift Hire Appointed Person’s DUTIES:

    • Perform a site survey
    • Select the right crane for the job
    • Make sure the crane is rigged in the right place, on safe ground, for safe working use & MAX boom usage
    • Provide a hardcopy and PDF lift plan
    • Provide RAMS (Risk Assessments and Method Statements) for each job
    • Attend site and oversee the crane lift
    • Organise and ensure all crane operators, lift supervisors, slinger/signallers and all other staff involved in the contract lift are informed of the lift procedure, that the team can communicate, and that they are all working in unison.
    • To check over all of the documentation regarding the lift plan, crane rigging, and health and safety documentation
    • Prepare the site before the crane arrives, in the event that room needs to be made for rigging/and or where the telescopic boom needs to go to obtain the height of lift, for instance removing obstructions such as portacabins or fences for example

    A CPA Crane Hire agreement only changes to a CPA Contract Lift when the crane is supplied with the Appointed Person, therefore making them accept liability for the planning and supervision of the lift.

    Customer’s Responsibilities:

    • The customer must have public liability insurance
    • Under CPA Contract Lift conditions it is the customer’s responsibility for providing accurate information relating to both the items to be lifted, and to the ground conditions.

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